Jul 132008

I don’t normally add comments like this but I couldn’t resist. A few minutes ago I just had one of the best meetings ever. What made this meeting special was the fact that it was with a couple that I DJ’d their wedding exactly 10 years ago. They contacted me because they are now throwing a big 40th birthday party (and maybe a renewal of vows quick/fun ceremony – an idea we came up with in the meeting) We got talking and I mentioned that I sometimes find it difficult to find a “greater purpose or meaning” in what I do as a DJ. They responded in a way that I always hope for with each couple… I had made such an impact on their wedding that guests still bring it up today. I was able to start their lives off together as a married couple with great fun memories and we created a vision or signature for them to look back on during difficult times. Sort of like a foundation for them to start building on as a couple. There is hope for the DJ.

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